East Coast Maryland rockers SILVERTUNG are comprised of vocalist Speed, guitarist Codey, bassist Skoot, and drummer Danno. You have to be on hell of a great band to be able to have band members that just go by first names..and Silvertung is just one of that band that can pull it off..Specially with this newly released EP ” OUT OF THE BOX”, which was just release a few days ago on July 8th.
The Chanting anthem song “Face The Music“, has been rumbling up the charts and making waves on Under The Radar and Billboard BDS Rock Radio chart like a tsunami building after a earthquake, “Face The Music” is one of those songs once you hear it, you will want to get up and sing it out loud…and this EP being a 8.0 on the richter scale with songs that are making waves that are building and building to the straight up rock songs like “Never To Late“, that explode into big songs like “Devil’s Advocate” that just hit hard with big vocals and heavy pounding riffs, and smashing drums.
“Tauted” comes at you slow with Speed showing he has the vocals to hit you loud and often, but knows how to pull it back when he needs it to.
“Ain’t That a Bitch” is one of my favorite off this EP, It just have a great flow to it, and great little sound effects that just make the song stick out..slow downs in tempo and speed ups that make it a great song.
The final track is called “You and Me”, with is a stripped down acoustic ballad that is a refreshing end to a “Out Of The Box”, and I think the guys did just that, reached deep into the writing and recording and did something “Out of The Box” for them on a few songs, “We were experimenting with new ideas during our writing sessions and we walked away from the studio after recording feeling like we really gave it all we have.” Said Vocalist Speed.
I will agree with Speed, It sounds like they gave it their all on this one, and it seems like a few of these songs may be just what they need to break into some new fans. It is a great mix of Awesome fist pumping rock and a throwback to the ballads of the 90’s.